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Update on Progress of the Future ACNA Hymnal

The Liturgy and Music Task Forces have formally requested, over the past year, submissions of Communion Settings for possible inclusion in the Service Music section of the developing new Anglican Church in North America Hymnal. We have been in receipt of many…

Archbishop Foley Beach’s Appeal for Ukraine Relief

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Lenten Greetings in the Name of Christ Jesus!  As we begin our Lenten pilgrimage, let us not ignore the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding before our eyes in Europe. Our hearts are breaking at the scenes of…

St. Helena's Anglican Group

Youth Engage Life Issues At Summit

“We need to make abortion not only illegal, but unthinkable,” said Deacon Georgette Forney, President of Anglicans for Life. This was the mantra repeatedly expressed by her and others during the ySummit 2022, a youth-centered event held Thursday evening, January 20, at The Falls Church Anglican in, Virginia.   The gathering of Anglican youth from…

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Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

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Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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