The Society for Special Pastoral Intervention (SSPI) will be holding Breaking the Chains: The 4th Conference on Special Pastoral Intervention at St. Vincent’s Cathedral, Bedford, TX, October 7-9, 2021. The conference is jointly sponsored by SSPI, the Episcopal Diocese of Ft. Worth (ACNA), and the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy. The theme of the conference is spiritual warfare and deliverance in Anglican Pastoral Ministry. The cost is $289.00, payable at the conference. Registration is now open. Visit for more information and to register.
SSPI is a society of trained and canonically authorized Anglican exorcists or deliverance ministers, and ministers in training for such ministry, clergy or lay. While SSPI is affiliated with the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy, membership in the Society is open to all ministers regardless of jurisdiction. SSPI helps bishops establish well-regulated deliverance ministries, provides both initial and continuing education training for ministers, and fosters fellowship between members for mutual encouragement and accountability.
The Society was formed in 2015 at the instigation of Archbishop Foley Beach and under the leadership of Bishop Don Harvey and Dr. Mark Quay. Dr. Quay is the author of A Minister’s Manual for Spiritual Warfare, widely regarded by practitioners and scholars alike as the seminal Anglican work in the field of exorcism and deliverance ministry. SSPI is currently led by its Vicar General, the Very Rev. Lee Mullins.
Inquiries about the conference should be directed to Dr. Quay at