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New Wineskins Conference 2019, September 26-29

The New Wineskins Conference is the largest Anglican missions conference in North America and serves as a homecoming for missionaries serving in the field and an equipping experience for laity and clergy from around the world. With programs for children, youth, and adults of every age, organizers anticipate over 1,000 attendees who will worship, learn, connect, and pray together.

The event features four days full of plenary sessions, networking opportunities, Mission Awareness Presentations (MAP Talks), and prayer and worship services. Participants come to hear what God is doing around the world, to be equipped for mission through teaching and instruction, and to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. With this year’s theme of “Better Together,” the conference will celebrate partnership and collaboration. All of this takes place on the campus of Ridgecrest Conference Center with the beautiful backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

A new feature this year is the addition of more than 16 pre-conferences. Attendees are encouraged to come early to go deeper in an area of mission about which they are passionate. Topics like Business as Mission, the Persecuted Church, International Student Ministry, and more are on offer. Of particular note is Always Forward, the Anglican Church in North America’s Church Planting Initiative, hosting its fall conference as a pre-conference in alignment with the “Better Together” theme!

“We have such an excited anticipation of how God will use our time together in September to bring breakthrough, healing, repentance, missional calling, and boldness by the power of His Holy Spirit, that we urge you not to miss this opportunity for yourself and your parish!” says Jenny Noyes, Executive Director of New Wineskins Missionary Network.

The mission of the New Wineskins Missionary Network is to empower and equip Anglicans for local and global cross-cultural mission. Founded in 1974, New Wineskins is dedicated to praying for missionaries, raising awareness, providing resources and being a network of networks to further the cause of Anglican missions worldwide. The New Wineskins Conference will be a celebration of God’s work among us. Registration and more information can be found at


800 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

440 Whilden Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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