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The Next Generation Initiative (NGLI) Announcement

The Rev. Dr. Jessica Jones has recently been called to serve as the Archdeacon in the Diocese of the Gulf Atlantic and is leaving her post as the Director of NGLI. Dr. Jones has been a tremendous catalyst in her role as she helped the Next Generation Leadership Initiative expand to numerous networks. We celebrate her new role working alongside Bishop Alex Farmer and his diocesan team.

With the blessing of Archbishop Foley Beach, the Rev. Aaron Buttery, who currently serves in the leadership of the Student Leadership Network, will be named Canon for the Next Generation Leadership Initiative immediately. Archbishop Beach writes, “Aaron is an excellent leader who has incredible vision to reach the next generation.  We are so blessed as the Anglican Church in North America to have him serving in this capacity”.

Chief Operating Officer Bishop Alan Hawkins writes, “Aaron has already brought a great deal of direction to Student Ministry and his voice and service will be very important to the future of NGLI. We are grateful to have his willing leadership in this exciting ministry initiative in the Province. We will miss Canon Jessica Jones and her presence on our team, and I am happy to share in her high endorsement of Rev. Buttery.”

From Rev. Aaron Buttery:

“As the Canon for Next Generation Leadership Initiative, I am thankful to continue working with a team of remarkable leaders across our networks. As a team, we will continue to provide meaningful connection for emerging leaders across ministry areas, continue to create supportive resources that foster leadership development, and continue to form a pathway of leadership formation that begins and benefits our church, from parish to province. I am grateful for Rev. Dr. Jessica Jones and Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley for shaping this initiative to not only be what we provide, but creating the micro-culture of healthy leadership on this team to be something that can also be shared through our networks so that they become nets that work to curate a healthy leadership culture.

As the NGLI team leader, I remain committed to the work of shaping and supporting student ministry across the ACNA. The Student Leadership Network team is thriving. We receive multiple requests each week from local youth ministry leaders, rectors, and bishops. I will remain in this area alongside the SLN team.  I am grateful for the support of many leaders, including Bishop Todd Hunter, “It is rare to see passion and expertise, combined in the same person. But when I think of Aaron Buttery’s work with next generation leaders, those two things come together in great fruitfulness. I am thrilled for Aaron to take on this new role.”

You can find more information about The Next Generation Leadership Initiative here.


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Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

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Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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