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Feedback Requested: Book of Occasional Offices

The Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force would like to report that work is moving ahead on a provincial Book of Occasional Offices, containing optional liturgies for occasional use. A draft table of contents can be found below. We are accepting feedback! If you have any additional resources, comments, or concerns, please send them to Jacob Hootman at

      1. The Church Year
        1. Seasonal Blessings – Blessings appropriate to the Season of the Church Year, to replace the blessing at the conclusion of the Eucharist.
        2. Advent
          1. Blessing of an Advent Wreath – A liturgy that may be said to bless an Advent Wreath and light candles.
          2. Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols – An office comprising readings from scripture and hymns that may be used during Advent.
        3. Christmastide
          1. Blessing of a Creche – A blessing that may be said to bless the Christmas Creche before the principal service on Christmas.
          2. Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols – An office comprising readings from scripture and hymns that may be used during Christmastide.
        4. Epiphany
          1. Blessing of Homes at Epiphany – A form of blessing chalk and homes in Epiphany.
          2. Candlemas Procession – A liturgy that may be said before the beginning of the Holy Eucharist on Candlemas (Feb 2nd), with a blessing and distribution of candles as well as a procession.
        5. Lent
          1. Stations of the Cross – A devotion composed of hymns, scripture lessons, and prayers following the way of Jesus to the Cross.
          2. A Penitential Office – A liturgy composed of an exhortation, Psalm 51, and prayers. Based on the 1662 Commination as well as later Prayer Book iterations of this liturgy.
        6. Holy Week
          1. Tenebrae – An adaptation of the ancient monastic liturgy of Matins for Holy Wednesday, composed of antiphons, psalms, readings from scripture, readings from the Church Fathers, and prayers.
        7. Eastertide
          1. Blessings over Food at Easter – Blessings over foods for an Easter meal.
          2. Rogation Procession – An adaptation of the ancient liturgy for processing on Rogation Days, composed of the Great Litany as well as psalms, readings, and prayers.
            1. Beating of the Bounds – A liturgy where members of the parish process around the parish boundaries, singing hymns and prayers.
          3. Rogation Blessings – Blessings over food on Rogation days.
        8. Pentecost
          1. The Great Vigil of Pentecost – An adaptation of the ancient vigil Eucharist of Pentecost, which includes several additional Old Testament Lessons as well as Baptisms/Renewal of Baptismal Vows.
          2. Concerning Pentecost – Rubrical suggestions on how to incorporate foreign languages into worship on Pentecost.
        9. Season after Pentecost
          1. Blessing of the Animals (Oct. 4) – A liturgy for blessing animals on Saint Francis’ day, which may be adapted to other occasions.
      2. For Pastoral Use
        1. The Blessing of Objects – A set of prayers for the blessing of objects for use, either in public worship or for devotional use.
          1. Holy Water
          2. Incense – A blessing that may be used within the context of public worship.
          3. Vestments
          4. Devotional Items
          5. Other Objects
        2. Community Transitions
          1. Transitions for Members – A liturgy to recognize new or departing members of a congregation.
          2. Recognition of Graduates – A liturgy to recognize graduating members of a congregation.
          3. Licensing and Recognizing a Lay Ministry – A liturgy to license and recognize lay ministers such as readers, catechists, vestry members, etc.
          4. Commissioning a Ministry Search – A liturgy to begin a search for a new rector, bishop, or other minister.
        3. The Catechumenate
          1. Admitting Catechumens – The rite for admitting catechumens as found in To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
          2. During Preparation – Prayers for use during the preparation of catechumens.
        4. Healing
          1. A Public Office of Healing – A liturgy of healing that may be used in corporate worship.
            1. Litany for Healing – A litany that may be used for those who are sick.
        5. The Family
          1. Renewal of Matrimonial Vows – A liturgy which may be said for the renewal of vows made at marriage.
          2. Blessing of a Home – A long form of a house blessing.
        6. Additional Pastoral Prayers
          1. Prayers related to Pregnancy
            1. For a Pregnant Woman – Prayers that may be used during Pregnancy.
            2. For Unplanned Pregnancy – Prayers and rubrics concerning an unplanned pregnancy.
            3. For a Miscarriage or Stillbirth – Prayers and psalms may be used after a miscarriage or stillbirth. May be used in conjunction with the Burial liturgy.
            4. Before Childbirth – Prayers which may be used before or during labor.
            5. For Those Suffering from Infertility – Prayers which may be said for those suffering from infertility.
          2. For Visitation of a Prisoner – Prayers, psalms, and scripture readings appropriate for a prison visitation.
          3. After Suicide or Self-Harm – Prayers and psalms which are appropriate for use after an individual attempts, commits, or contemplates suicide or self-harm.
          4. Alternate Burial liturgy – A burial liturgy for whom a prayer book burial is not appropriate.
      3. For Episcopal Use
        1. Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows – A liturgy which may be used for the reaffirmation of ordination vows by a deacon, priest, or bishop new to a diocese, or for a diocesan service.
        2. Consecration of Holy Chrism (and other Holy Oils, if Desired) – A liturgy to consecrate holy oils.
        3. Ending of a Pastoral Relationship – A liturgy that may be used at the conclusion of a pastoral relationship.
        4. Installation of a Canon, Archdeacon, Vicar, Dean, or other Minister – The installation of a minister that has been appointed by the Ordinary to a particular liturgy.
        5. Recognition and Seating of a Diocesan Bishop – A liturgy to recognize and seat a diocesan bishop in his cathedral church.
        6. Reception of a Bishop at a Parish Church – A liturgy for the formal reception of a bishop before the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
        7. Setting apart for a Religious Vocation – Prayers and vows for the setting apart of those called to special religious vocations.
        8. The Church Building
          1. Ground Breaking – A liturgy which may be used at the ground breaking of a new parish or other church building.
          2. Laying a Cornerstone – A liturgy which may be used at the laying of the cornerstone of a new parish or other church building.
          3. Setting Apart Secular Space for Sacred Use – A liturgy which may precede the beginning of regular worship in a secular space.
          4. Dedication of Church Furnishings and Ornaments – An adaptation of the Prayer Book liturgy of Consecrating a Church that may be used with individual items.
          5. Restoring of Things Profaned – A blessing which may be used on items which are being restored to sacred use.


800 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

440 Whilden Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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