The Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force would like to report that work is moving ahead on a provincial Book of Occasional Offices, containing optional liturgies for occasional use. A draft table of contents can be found below. We are accepting feedback! If you have any additional resources, comments, or concerns, please send them to Jacob Hootman at
- The Church Year
- Seasonal Blessings – Blessings appropriate to the Season of the Church Year, to replace the blessing at the conclusion of the Eucharist.
- Advent
- Blessing of an Advent Wreath – A liturgy that may be said to bless an Advent Wreath and light candles.
- Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols – An office comprising readings from scripture and hymns that may be used during Advent.
- Christmastide
- Blessing of a Creche – A blessing that may be said to bless the Christmas Creche before the principal service on Christmas.
- Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols – An office comprising readings from scripture and hymns that may be used during Christmastide.
- Epiphany
- Blessing of Homes at Epiphany – A form of blessing chalk and homes in Epiphany.
- Candlemas Procession – A liturgy that may be said before the beginning of the Holy Eucharist on Candlemas (Feb 2nd), with a blessing and distribution of candles as well as a procession.
- Lent
- Stations of the Cross – A devotion composed of hymns, scripture lessons, and prayers following the way of Jesus to the Cross.
- A Penitential Office – A liturgy composed of an exhortation, Psalm 51, and prayers. Based on the 1662 Commination as well as later Prayer Book iterations of this liturgy.
- Holy Week
- Tenebrae – An adaptation of the ancient monastic liturgy of Matins for Holy Wednesday, composed of antiphons, psalms, readings from scripture, readings from the Church Fathers, and prayers.
- Eastertide
- Blessings over Food at Easter – Blessings over foods for an Easter meal.
- Rogation Procession – An adaptation of the ancient liturgy for processing on Rogation Days, composed of the Great Litany as well as psalms, readings, and prayers.
- Beating of the Bounds – A liturgy where members of the parish process around the parish boundaries, singing hymns and prayers.
- Rogation Blessings – Blessings over food on Rogation days.
- Pentecost
- The Great Vigil of Pentecost – An adaptation of the ancient vigil Eucharist of Pentecost, which includes several additional Old Testament Lessons as well as Baptisms/Renewal of Baptismal Vows.
- Concerning Pentecost – Rubrical suggestions on how to incorporate foreign languages into worship on Pentecost.
- Season after Pentecost
- Blessing of the Animals (Oct. 4) – A liturgy for blessing animals on Saint Francis’ day, which may be adapted to other occasions.
- For Pastoral Use
- The Blessing of Objects – A set of prayers for the blessing of objects for use, either in public worship or for devotional use.
- Holy Water
- Incense – A blessing that may be used within the context of public worship.
- Vestments
- Devotional Items
- Other Objects
- Community Transitions
- Transitions for Members – A liturgy to recognize new or departing members of a congregation.
- Recognition of Graduates – A liturgy to recognize graduating members of a congregation.
- Licensing and Recognizing a Lay Ministry – A liturgy to license and recognize lay ministers such as readers, catechists, vestry members, etc.
- Commissioning a Ministry Search – A liturgy to begin a search for a new rector, bishop, or other minister.
- The Catechumenate
- Admitting Catechumens – The rite for admitting catechumens as found in To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.
- During Preparation – Prayers for use during the preparation of catechumens.
- Healing
- A Public Office of Healing – A liturgy of healing that may be used in corporate worship.
- Litany for Healing – A litany that may be used for those who are sick.
- A Public Office of Healing – A liturgy of healing that may be used in corporate worship.
- The Family
- Renewal of Matrimonial Vows – A liturgy which may be said for the renewal of vows made at marriage.
- Blessing of a Home – A long form of a house blessing.
- Additional Pastoral Prayers
- Prayers related to Pregnancy
- For a Pregnant Woman – Prayers that may be used during Pregnancy.
- For Unplanned Pregnancy – Prayers and rubrics concerning an unplanned pregnancy.
- For a Miscarriage or Stillbirth – Prayers and psalms may be used after a miscarriage or stillbirth. May be used in conjunction with the Burial liturgy.
- Before Childbirth – Prayers which may be used before or during labor.
- For Those Suffering from Infertility – Prayers which may be said for those suffering from infertility.
- For Visitation of a Prisoner – Prayers, psalms, and scripture readings appropriate for a prison visitation.
- After Suicide or Self-Harm – Prayers and psalms which are appropriate for use after an individual attempts, commits, or contemplates suicide or self-harm.
- Alternate Burial liturgy – A burial liturgy for whom a prayer book burial is not appropriate.
- Prayers related to Pregnancy
- The Blessing of Objects – A set of prayers for the blessing of objects for use, either in public worship or for devotional use.
- For Episcopal Use
- Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows – A liturgy which may be used for the reaffirmation of ordination vows by a deacon, priest, or bishop new to a diocese, or for a diocesan service.
- Consecration of Holy Chrism (and other Holy Oils, if Desired) – A liturgy to consecrate holy oils.
- Ending of a Pastoral Relationship – A liturgy that may be used at the conclusion of a pastoral relationship.
- Installation of a Canon, Archdeacon, Vicar, Dean, or other Minister – The installation of a minister that has been appointed by the Ordinary to a particular liturgy.
- Recognition and Seating of a Diocesan Bishop – A liturgy to recognize and seat a diocesan bishop in his cathedral church.
- Reception of a Bishop at a Parish Church – A liturgy for the formal reception of a bishop before the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
- Setting apart for a Religious Vocation – Prayers and vows for the setting apart of those called to special religious vocations.
- The Church Building
- Ground Breaking – A liturgy which may be used at the ground breaking of a new parish or other church building.
- Laying a Cornerstone – A liturgy which may be used at the laying of the cornerstone of a new parish or other church building.
- Setting Apart Secular Space for Sacred Use – A liturgy which may precede the beginning of regular worship in a secular space.
- Dedication of Church Furnishings and Ornaments – An adaptation of the Prayer Book liturgy of Consecrating a Church that may be used with individual items.
- Restoring of Things Profaned – A blessing which may be used on items which are being restored to sacred use.
- The Church Year