If you know or suspect a minor or vulnerable adult is in imminent danger, please call 911 immediately.
Make A Report
If you have experienced sexual abuse by a clergy person, lay leader, or volunteer, we encourage you to make a report directly to local law enforcement and/or child protective services.
If you have a misconduct claim against a priest or deacon, please contact the bishop, chancellor, or standing committee of the priest or deacon’s diocese. You can find a list of contact information for each diocese here.
If you have a misconduct claim against a bishop, please email misconduct@anglicanchurch.net and a provincial representative will be in touch with you. This is a safe, confidential, and secure inbox to contact.
If you know or suspect a minor or vulnerable adult is in imminent danger, please call 911 immediately.
Sample Protection Policies
Safeguarding is the responsibility of every congregation and diocese in the Anglican Church in North America. The following sample policies are not suggested or required policies, as the Anglican Church in North America does not seek (and does not have the canonical and legal authority) to mandate such systems for each diocese. However, the following sample policies are provided as a resource to dioceses in their safeguarding efforts.
Sample Policy for the Protection of Children and Adults
Download as a Word document here.
Sample Child Protection Policy
Download as a Word document here.
Other sample policies
Sample Policy on Registered Sex Offenders (with thanks to the Diocese of Pittsburgh)
Sample Policy on Sexual and Other Unlawful Harrassment (with thanks to the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic)
Additional Resources
Ministry Safe: https://ms.ministrysafe.com/acna/
Protect My Ministry: https://www.protectmyministry.com/integrated-partners/partner-acna/
Additional Sample Supervisory Plan (with thanks to Gulf Atlantic Diocese)
Sample Screening & Training Resources