Dear friends, I write this letter with such gratitude for everyone who has worked so faithfully and sacrificially to make the dream of a church that “reaches North America with the transforming love of Jesus Christ” a vibrant reality.
What a great year in the Anglican Church!
We are planting churches, making disciples, and building international bridges around the Global Anglican family in order to see every person in the world have an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.
With Archbishop Foley’s recent selection and investiture we are moving from strength to strength.
We still need your help. With less than three weeks left in 2014, we still need $150,000 to finish the year strong. Will you help us make this goal? Many hands make light work, and your generosity is making possible the strengthening of this province for every good work.
Simply put: 150 families giving $1000 each would be such a tremendous gift to The Anglican Church in North America. Would you be one of those 150 families? Any gift no matter how large or small helps.
Thank you so much for your generosity. Our call to be a united missionary and biblical church requires great courage and sacrifice.
Recently, I sat in a room with 30 leaders from around the Province who shared big hopes and dreams for mission and ministry. To a person, they agreed that we will need a tremendous amount of resources to see new congregations started, to see leaders recruited and equipped, to provide discipleship resources, and to see our Provincial structures be able to support this work of God.
Again, we can’t accomplish these hopes and dreams without your help.
Please prayerfully consider a gift to the Anglican Church in North America.
You can give three ways:
1) If you would like to gift with a check please send your gifts to:
The Anglican Church in North America
800 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge PA 15003
In the memo line please put: “ACNA-End of Year Gift”
2) You can give electronically by visiting our website:
3) You can give stock transfers and other non-cash gifts. Just give me call (724.266.9400 ext. 301) if you would like to investigate those types of gifts.
Thanks you so much for your past generosity – we are deeply grateful.
In Christ,
The Rev. Canon Alan Hawkins
P.S. To receive tax credit, please make sure to have your gifts to us electronically by midnight on Dec. 31st and checks postmarked by December 31st. Thank you again for your generosity in helping our Church finish strong this year!