The Anglican Church in North America offers a full benefits program for our member congregations, including health, dental, vision, life + disability, retirement, property + liability, and safeguarding children. We serve people who work in churches – both clergy as well as lay staff – and Anglican ministries.
For Canadian clergy and staff members who would like more information about benefits available, contact the ANiC office: 866-351-2642 or admin@anglicannetwork.ca.
Download Brotherhood Mutual’s special edition of The Deacon’s Bench risk management magazine here.
Welcome to the Life & Disability Insurance Page.
If you are an employee of a qualified ACNA entity, working a minimum of 20 hours per week, you may qualify to enroll in this plan.
Use the Annual Salary and Contact Update Form to:
Submit member salaries (Remember that clergy total compensation = salary + housing allowance)
Update contact information
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) New Process
Employees adding employee-paid benefits after their initial 30-day eligibility period, or raising their existing Voluntary Life Insurance above the guarantee issue, this will pertain only to the Annual Enrollment period.
Employees interested in applying for Voluntary Life Insurance coverage above the guarantee issue during their initial 30-day eligibility period must apply with the Evidence of Insurability (EOI) during that time.
These EOI pdf (medical history) instruct you on how to apply online for the requested benefits and levels. Please note that one form is for Administrators and the other is for the Employee members.
EOI Online (Administrators)
EOI Online (Employees)
Call or email Linda Mathesius with any questions.
ACNA 2024 Benefit Guide
ACNA 2024 Benefits Offering Election Form
ACNA 2024 Enrollment-Change Form
ACNA 2024 Retiree Enrollment-Change Form
Annual Salary and Contact Update Form
Guaranteed Increase in Benefit Offer (GIB) Form
Click Here for Info on Enrollment in ACNA Life Insurance + Disability Plan
Basic Life and ADD
Retiree Life
Voluntary Life and ADD
Long Term Disability
Short Term Disability
ComPsych Guidance Resources Program Brochure
Travel Assistance Brochure
EOI Online (See Linda Mathesius for Guidance and Group Number)
Linda Mathesius
Fort Worth // The Rev. Michael Brooks
***ACNA Retirement Plan Named 2021 Plan Sponsor of the Year Finalist***
The ACNA Retirement Plan changed recordkeepers from MassMutual to Voya in June of 2022.
Participant Advice Service Available to You
For new employees coming into the ACNA retirement plan, the new enrollment process is as follows:
Find out from your church/ministry administrator if your employer remits contributions directly to Voya or to ADMIN Partners and follow the instructions below.
Church/Ministry locations that remit contributions directly via the Voya web portal:
- The new employee is to complete the enrollment form and provide it to the person responsible for remitting plan contributions who will, in turn, enroll the new participant via the Voya web portal.
Church/Ministry locations that remit contributions through ADMIN Partners:
- The new employee is to complete the enrollment forrm.
- Enrollment forms can be emailed to service@youradminpartners.com Or fax to ADMIN Partners at 856.755.3515
**In all cases, we strongly recommend that a beneficiary form be completed with a copy to remain in the employee’s personnel file. If you do not wish to complete the beneficiary form, please keep your beneficiary information up to date in the Personal Information Section of your account on the Voya website.
Voya Financial Literacy Knowledge Center
Voya Learn: Live & On-Demand Education
- https://www.voya.com/voyalearn
- Voya Learn’s live and on-demand sessions are designed to help you achieve the financial future you envision, but it all begins with you! Sign up today for one of our upcoming live sessions or watch one of our on-demand videos. Get to know our team of Education Champions and let them motivate you on your journey to financial wellness.
Interactive Budget Calculator
- Log in to your plan at VoyaRetirementPlans.com
- This tool can help you create a personalized budget for your needs, wants and savings.
Voya Financial Blog
- https://blog.voya.com
- Consists of the latest information to help you with your goal of saving and planning for retirement. Articles covering a variety of financial topics arm you with practical tips and insights to help you to and through retirement.
Financial Wellness Experience
- Log in to your account at VoyaRetirementPlans.com
- Financial wellness is about the balance of living for today, saving for tomorrow, and building confidence along the way. To help guide you, Voya is proud to bring you the Financial Wellness Experience. Log in to your account and select the Financial Wellness tab above myOrangeMoney ®. Complete your personal assessment to learn how to take meaningful actions for your financial future.
myOrangeMoney ® Web Experience
- Orange Money is the money you need to save for retirement, versus green money, which can be spent now. The educational, interactive myOrangeMoney online experience shows you how your current retirement savings may translate into monthly retirement income. It outlines where you stand today, highlights areas that need improvement, and lets you take immediate action to improve your readiness with an interactive slider. Explore today by logging into your account at VoyaRetirementPlans.com.
Market Volatility and Security Resources
- Amid market volatility, it’s important to encourage your employees to stay the course. To help, Voya offers resources on market volatility and how it may impact their plan account. They also provide helpful information on customer security.
- Visit the navigating market volatility page for articles, videos and other helpful resources for making informed decisions during a volatile market.
- Voya’s Global Perspectives website offers the latest updates on market conditions and a host of other key information.
- Visit Voya’s security portal to understand Voya’s approach to customer security.
ADMIN Partners Client Service Center
Toll Free: 877.484.4400 (Option 1)
Transaction Requests: Investment providers accept a facsimile or scanned image for most transaction requests. Paperwork can be sent to ADMIN Partners using any of the following methods:
Email: service@youradminpartners.com
Fax: 856.755.3515
ADMIN Partners LLC
200 Lake Drive East, Suite 102
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Property/Casualty Insurance and Risk Management
Suggested Emergency Action Plan
Recommended Insurance Standards
Safety Inspection Worksheet
Church Inventory Worksheet [Excel]
The Rev. Cn. John Battey, Chair, Canon for Cathedral Operations, Christ Church Plano, TX
214-291-5042 · JohnB@ChristChurchPlano.org
Deborah Tepley, Chief Operating Officer of the ACNA
724-266-9400 · admin@anglicanchurch.net
Don Bendure, Insurance Litigation Consultant at Quantum Leap Solutions
817-291-0691 · 817-481-4561 · donwdend@flash.net
Rod Barber, Chair Risk Mgt., Diocese Fort Worth
817- 996-2432 · 817-346-2436 · jrbarber47@yahoo.com
Terri Husberg, Parish Administrator, Christ the King, St. Augustine, FL
904-460-2318 Ex 11 · 904-325-2589 · terri@ctkasa.com
The Rev. Kirk Patterson, CFO of the Anglican Church in North America
724.266.9400 · kirk.patterson@anglicanchurch.net
Robby Marion, VP-HR, SDD Holdings at St. Michael’s Church, Charleston, SC
843-746-5714 · rmarion@sddholdings.com
Linda Mathesius, Human Resources Administrator for the Anglican Church in North America
724-266-9400 Ext 105 · linda.mathesius@anglicanchurch.net