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Two Bishops Elected to Strengthen the Ministry of Chaplains

The two candidates, The Rev. Michael Williams and The Rev. Mark Nordstrom, had been nominated by the Special Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy and this month were brought before the College for election. After a time of prayer and through the direction of the Holy Spirit, the College elected both candidates.

Both Rev. Williams and Rev. Nordstrom were senior officers in their respective military branches where they served throughout their adult lives until retirement.

The Rev. Michael Williams joined the Air Force in 1977 after graduating from Iowa State University. He later attended Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry (now Trinity School for Ministry) for seminary and was ordained in North Pole, Alaska in 1991. Beginning in 1995, Rev. Williams served in the Air Force Chaplaincy for fifteen years before retiring in 2009 and joining the staff of the Special Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy office to assist Bishop Derek Jones. He and his wife, Becky, have three daughters and five granddaughters.

In response to his election, Bishop Suffragan-Elect Williams said, “I am deeply humbled by the Lord’s call through the Anglican Church in North America’s College of Bishops to the service of bishop suffragan for the Special Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy. To Almighty God be the glory!”

The Rev. Mark Nordstrom joined the Army just shy of his 19th birthday. He was originally ordained as a conservative Baptist minister in 1987. After decades of appreciation for the Anglican church, Rev. Nordstrom was ordained in the Anglican Church in North America in 2010. For the last year he has served the Special Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy as the vicar general. He and his wife, Christine, have three children, two of whom serve in the Army, and six grandchildren.

“Everything I’ve ever done well was because I was part of an effective team. I am privileged and honored to join this team – the College of Bishops – and serve Christ and His Church in this new (to me) office,” he explained.

Archbishop Foley Beach commented, “The College of Bishops and I are delighted to announce the election of both Michael Williams and Mark Nordstrom. They are both godly men who we are confident will serve the Lord and our chaplains effectively, with grace and boldness.”

Special Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy Bishop, Derek Jones, is pleased with the results of the election: “The movement of the Holy Spirit in the College of Bishops acknowledging God’s call on our suffragan bishop candidates was both affirming and visionary. Both of these men personify the heart and soul of all chaplains who often serve outside of the limelight of traditional ministry. God could not have chosen two more humble men.”


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