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Open Home & Heart for the Young

“Nobody, I know in our Diocese or even in my circle of friends has done more to mentor and disciple college kids than Mike and Sheena Massey,” reflected Bishop Quigg Lawrence (Diocese of Christ Our Hope). For about 15 years, the Massey’s have been hosting college kids weekly. They serve dinner, share a solid time of Bible teaching, and then a time of deep worship in music. It is a powerful and unique ministry that is reaching young people inside and outside of their church, Church of the Holy Spirit, and beyond Anglican circles in the Roanoke, Virginia area.

You will not see the Massey’s in this video but the 18-24 year olds gathered in the Massey home to simply worship God in music are clearly in a comfort zone. “I think you can tell in the videos that they have put out that the kids who lead worship are humble,” said Bishop Quigg. “They love the Lord and they try to lead the entire group into true worship–they do not perform.” There is an overwhelming gratitude for how they are pouring their lives into the young people, and as a result, seeing fruit that is bearing in the region.


800 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

440 Whilden Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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