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A Word On Adopting From Anglicans For Life

I was recently asked, “How can we help young women see adoption as a positive option for an unplanned pregnancy?”

My answer was simple: share positive stories about adoption.

Fr. Chris and Sharon’s story is a great example of a positive adoption story and reminds us that adoption is part of God’s redemption plan that welcomes us all into His forever family.

A recent study, Adoption & Its Competitors, conducted by George Barna and the Cultural Research Center bears witness to the importance of sharing positive stories as the research found significant gaps in what women of childbearing age know about adoption, the process and its benefits.

Furthermore, many people like Fr. Chris, who were conceived in rape, take offense to having the way they were conceived used to justify abortion. While abortions for rape and incest make up less than 1% of voluntary terminations in the United States, rape is used to defend the killing of 900,000 babies annually. In the book, Victims and Victors, 300 rape victims who conceived during the assault, were surveyed about preferred outcomes, and the majority affirmed adoption as the best option, because the violence of the abortion procedure was as traumatic as the rape itself. The women in the book believed the positive outcome of adoption helped them heal, which should always be the priority for rape victims.

Anglicans For Life believes we must dismantle the misinformation about rape and abortion and we will be featuring the stories of 3 women, 2 who were conceived in rape, and a third woman who was the victim of rape and chose to parent her child, at our annual Life SUMMIT 2023 in January at the Falls Church Anglican, Falls Church, VA. Conception through rape happens but the children conceived still bear the image of their heavenly Father and shouldn’t be exterminated by abortion.

Anglicans for Life also sees the need to provide pastoral support for families that have experienced adoption as part of God’s plan in building their family. Johnston Moore serves as AFL’s Adoption/Orphan Care Consultant (email: and is available to help your church develop adoption/orphan/foster care ministry and outreach.

To further encourage adoption, Anglicans For Life hosts the Anglican Adoption Fund, where Anglican families can apply for financial grants up to $2,500 to help offset costs associated with adopting a child. Visit to learn more or make a tax-deductible donation.

We all know someone whose birth mother had the courage to place him or her with an adoptive family. Share their stories with the young women in your church, so they too can see the beauty of adoption!


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Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

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Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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