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A Holy Week Message from Archbishop Beach

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Monday, as I was reading and reflecting for this Holy Week, I happened to glance at the TV and saw the horrific fire in Paris. Flames quickly engulfed the iconic church, Notre Dame, as millions around the world watched in disbelief. The steeple collapsed and fire consumed much of the hand-made stained glass and artifacts. I learned that over 52 acres of trees were cut and shaped into beams and planks that have stood for nearly 800 years. It is no wonder the fire was so intense.

Second Bishop of New England Consecrated

On Saturday, March 16, 2019, the Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams was consecrated as the second bishop of the Anglican Diocese in New England (ADNE) at Holy Family Parish in Amesbury, Massachusetts. 

800 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

367 Athens Highway
Building 2200
Loganville, Georgia 30052

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