“Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”
– Matthew 25:45
The Matthew 25 Initiative is a community of Anglicans engaged in works of justice, mercy, and reconciliation who care about God’s heart for the vulnerable, marginalized, and under-resourced in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
We seek to support those Anglicans and their churches and non-profits involved directly in issues of homelessness, immigration, refugee care/resettlement, human trafficking, creation care, food justice, at-risk youth, substance abuse/addiction, community development, prison ministry and restorative justice, the physically vulnerable, at risk children-youth-families, and racial reconciliation, to name a few.
As a learning community of experienced practitioners currently serving “the least of these” in the trenches, we build relationships, network, and learn together.
We offer tangible support by caring for the caregivers through refreshment and soul care as we face the very broken places in society.
Lastly, we offer financial grants, as available, to partner with those already engaged in the work of justice, mercy and reconciliation. For more information on the grants available, please check HERE.