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New ANiC Bishop Co-Adjutor Elect Announced

The Anglican Network in Canada is pleased to announce the election at Synod 2021 of the Venerable Daniel Gifford as our Co-Adjutor Bishop.

Archdeacon Dan was elected by our Diocesan Synod on Thursday, November 18, 2021. He was elected on the third ballot by more than two thirds of both our clergy and lay delegates.

Please join us in praying for him and his family in the days ahead.

You will learn much more about our newly elected bishop over the coming weeks, but you can read a little more about him in his bio here:

The Venerable Dan Gifford

Dan is currently the vicar of St John’s Vancouver Anglican church, serving with David Short who is rector of that parish. He graduated from Wycliffe College Toronto in 1990 (MDiv) and was ordained to the priesthood in 1991. After a two-year curacy on the Sunshine Coast of BC (a name he often found to be somewhat misleading), he was appointed the first rector of St. Andrew’s Pender Harbour, BC where he ministered for a very happy six years. In 1998 he left St. Andrew’s to join the staff of St. John’s where he feels deeply blessed to have served until the present day. Discipleship, catechism, evangelism, cross-cultural mission, and preaching are some of the areas of his ministry that Dan has been particularly blessed by over his years there. He is also archdeacon for Vancouver BC and surrounding area, is a member of the ANiC finance committee, a past member of ANiC Council and chaired the ANiC Harvest Task Force in 2019.

He and his wife Cathryn met at St. John’s and married in 2001. They have two boys Alexander age 19 and Nicholas age 16. Dan loves spending time with his family, especially doing outdoor activities. He also enjoys snowboarding the beautiful BC mountains, walks with his dog Windsor, reading good books, has recently acquired a love of sailing, and supports the incomparable Minnesota Vikings in their quest for that Super Bowl win that has eluded them for so long.


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