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Proposed Canonical Amendments for Provincial Council 2024

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

In service to the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the ACNA Governance Task Force presents to you this video explaining the proposed changes to the ACNA canons for approval (or not) at Provincial Council 2024. We have also included this link to the PDF of the proposed canonical changes if you would like to download them.

We invite you to view this video, which explains the rationale for these changes, and to submit your comments, questions, and suggestions to no later than 6 p.m. ET/5 p.m. CT on March 21. Your comments will be acknowledged and forwarded to members of the GTF assigned to each of these proposed changes for consideration. Our goal is to have a second draft incorporating as appropriate your comments, questions, and suggestions ready for Provincial Council Delegates and Diocesan Chancellors by April 8.

Thank you in advance for your time in reviewing this video and for your prayers, comments, questions, and suggestions. May God bless this work as we ever seek for good and godly governance in our Province for the sake of the expanse of the Kingdom of God.

Your servant in Christ,

The Very Rev. Cn. Andrew Rowell, Esq.
Vice-Chair of the ACNA Governance Task Force
Rector, Christchurch Anglican, Montgomery, Alabama


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Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

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Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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