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Q & A: Alan Hawkins+, New Vicar for Anglican 1000

After being announced as the new Vicar for Anglican 1000 at the Provincial Assembly, The Rev. Alan Hawkins began working immediately towards the next phase of the provincial church planting program. Over the past month, he has worked to capitalize on the successes of the previous Anglican 1000 leadership team while evaluating and laying plans to capture opportunities for future growth. Recently, we spoke with Hawkins about this new role and the future of Anglican 1000.

ACNA: You’ve gotten right to work in your new role as Vicar for Anglican 1000. What is your current focus?

Alan+: In a short amount of time I have been able to create relationships with a number of folks around the Province, so as an extrovert I’m on cloud nine. There were so many helpful channels in place from the two previous leaders, David Roseberry+ and Daniel Adkinson+, that the transition has been easy. The folks at the Provincial office in Ambridge, PA, have given me a wonderful welcome and are doing an awesome job of service. Right now I am concentrating on planning and connecting; already a lot is underway. Most of my travel this first season will be to the various “events” planned by dioceses in the Province. There is a great gathering next month in Fresno called Caminemos Juntos led by the San Joaquin Diocese and Greenhouse. Great ministry is taking place all over.

ACNA: What are the practical steps you and your team are taking to continue to support church planting as a central enterprise of the Anglican Church in North America?

Alan+: Our Provincial Assembly was a home-run for trumpeting church planting and mission. Twenty percent of the budget is geared toward planting. But we have so much more to do. Some practical steps will be establishing an Advisory Team from around the Province and laying the foundation for upcoming events. This Team could really help us steer our efforts to become very effective as a program of the Province. We desire to see the various models of planting, the various streams of the Province and the diverse populations represented in this team.

ACNA: What mechanisms do you intend to use to encourage and support church planters?

Alan+: Eventually, I believe it will best be done locally through Dioceses and Congregations. I’d love to see some regional huddles that really minister to and support our planters. They are the frontline heroes and we want to encourage them greatly.

ACNA: Are there any specific church planting stories that you would like to share at this time?

Alan+: Yes! St. George’s Anglican in Phoenix is having a grand opening of their facility this weekend. Fr. Shane has done an amazing job. It will be great to be with them for such an exciting time. They have survived and grown, and are opening a coffee shop with a music venue space that will serve as a Sanctuary on Sundays. I am really impressed with Fr. Shane’s perseverance. He has worked bi-vocationally and just plain hung in there as a planter. There are a number of others as well. Eventually, our desire is to provide a weekly story of new plants.

ACNA: Where do you see Anglican 1000 in a few years?
Alan+: I have always found this “paraphrased” quote extremely helpful: “We usually overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in five.” With that said, I’d love to see the following things happen over the next five years:

  • Church Planting be the norm for our leaders, churches and dioceses.
  • The Anglican Church in North America be known for an excellent level of encouragement and assessment for planters and emerging leaders.
  • A significant church planting pipeline, resulting from a deep seated heart for our emerging generations, including youth members, college students and 20 to 30-year-olds.
  • The various “tribes” of our Province be honored in their distinctions but labor together in unity and faithfulness to the Gospel.
  • That the Lord be very well pleased with us.

Alan+ also serves as rector of Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro, N.C. where he resides with his wife and their five children.


800 Maplewood Avenue
Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

440 Whilden Street
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

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