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Leadership Transitions

The Rev. Canon Leah Turner to lead the Every Tribe and Nation Initiative

LeahThe Every Tribe and Nation Initiative (ETNI) was launched as a new initiative of the Anglican Church in North America in the winter of 2019. We celebrated its beginning at the Provincial Assembly 2019 in Plano, Texas. Bishop Bill Murdoch originally signed on to lead and shape the ministry for all ethnic people groups across North America connected to the Province.   Bishop Murdoch says, “It has been my joy and privilege to help form this new ministry in the Anglican Church in North America.  I am blessed deeply by the growing diversity culturally, linguistically, and geographically.  Our Province continues to grow numerically and in a broad sweep of God’s people”.

Bishop Bill is now assisting Archbishop Foley Beach in the election and transition process for new bishops in the Province and the new director is the Rev. Canon Leah Turner from the Diocese of New England.  Canon Turner’s involvement with multiethnic congregations and her mission work with East African bishops goes back more than a decade: first as a new priest, and then as the rector of Grace Anglican Church in Bridgewater, MA.  She has served as a delegate not only to the Anglican Church in North America’s provincial structures but also Gafcon.  Previously, Canon Turner has also served on the Provincial Finance Team.

Canon Turner writes, “Bishop Bill’s passion made this a great beginning, The Every Tribe and Nation Initiative is an organization connecting people from similar backgrounds across the province of North America with local Bishops and clergy of the Anglican Church in North America.  I am excited to lead this next season.”


The Rev. Taylor Ishii to lead the Anglican Multiethnic Network

Taylor IshiiThe Rev. Taylor Ishii serves as the Director of Student Ministry and an assisting priest at Church of the Apostles in Fairhope, Alabama. He has worked in a variety of Anglican​ church contexts, from church plants to large congregations. At the end of 2020, Taylor joined the Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI) team as the Director of the Antioch Leadership Network, an effort to raise up more ethnic minority clergy to lead in the Anglican Church in North America. He has recently been named the Director of the Anglican Multiethnic Network (AMEN). Taylor is passionate about equipping the next generation of ethnically diverse leaders for the Anglican Church, as well as coming alongside and resourcing dioceses and congregations who are wanting to reach all nations and people groups in their community with the gospel.

Rev. Ishii writes, “I am thankful for the leadership of Canon Lawrence McElrath and so many others in AMEN. One of the great strengths and missional opportunities of ministry in North America is the ethnic diversity all around us. It is my hope and prayer that more and more Anglican Churches would embrace the vision of Revelation 7; of all nations and peoples gathered around the throne of God on earth as it is in heaven.”


The Rev. Aaron Buttery to Lead Youth Ministry

ButteryOn December 12th 2020, The Rev. Canon Dr. Steven Tighe of El Paso, Texas was elected Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of the Southwest.  Bishop-elect Tighe was consecrated on March 4th by Archbishop Foley Beach.

Per Bishop Tighe’s election, he has transitioned his leadership role for youth ministry to the Rev. Aaron Buttery, who serves on the Next Generation Leadership Inititaive (NGLI) of the Province.  Bishop Tighe writes, “I praise God for the profound honor of having been chosen to serve the youth ministry of the ACNA. I am excited to see the leadership of this very important ministry move to the capable hands of Rev. Aaron Buttery. Please join me in praying regularly for him and his essential work”

Buttery has served several churches with his most recent previous post at Christ Church Plano, Texas.  He now serves as the pastor of Students and Leadership of International Anglican Church which is a congregation in the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains.  Buttery said, “It is my love and a calling to see students become disciples and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I also love serving other leaders in coaching and mentoring as they do the same.  It is an honor to serve in this capacity provincially as well.”

Rev. Buttery will be piloting the new Archbishop’s Leadership School being launched this summer at Provincial Council.


The  Rev. Canon Alan Hawkins elected as Bishop Coadjutor in the Diocese of Christ Our Hope

HawkinsPending his approval by the College of Bishops this summer, Canon Hawkins will be consecrated as Bishop Coadjutor on November 5, 2021 by Archbishop Foley Beach.  Bishop-elect Hawkins will continue his service to the Province as Chief Operating Officer until Archbishop Foley’s term ends in June of 2024.  He will be installed as Bishop Ordinary later that fall.

Hawkins said, “It is humbling to be chosen to serve in this capacity.  It is equally humbling to serve as the Chief Operating Officer and I look forward to helping transition the Provincial Office to the next Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America.  Thank you so much for your prayers for Angela Kaye, the kids, and me this season.”


In Memorandum

balesMr. Ron Bales of Oakville, Ontario Canada, passed away on April 24th, 2021 and is survived by his wife Pam, children, and great-grandchildren.  Ron served faithfully the Anglican Church of Canada, and then the Anglican Network in Canada as well as serving in the Province.  We will miss Ron dearly and pray God’s comfort for all his family and friends.  You can read more about Ron Bales here:



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