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Working Texts for Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, & Reaffirmation now available

The new working texts are rites for Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation.

“We are trying to get all the working texts put together, approved by the College, and in circulation,” the Most Rev. Bob Duncan, chair of the Task Force, told the Provincial Council of the Anglican Church in North America during their annual meeting on June 24, 2015 in Vancouver. More working texts are in preparation and will come before the College of Bishops in the next year. Integration of feedback will be the focus in 2017 and 2018 with a goal of having a new Prayer Book by 2019.

The Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force recommended in their provincial report that all adult members of the Anglican Church in North America make a profession of faith with the laying-on-of-hands by their bishops. This approach was adopted by the College of Bishops in the Preface to Confirmation.

The working texts for the rites of both Holy Baptism and Confirmation open with short exhortations and dialogues that allow for the clear teaching of each rite, the Task Force noted. In addition, the Nicene Creed is used in the Confirmation rite, but not in the combined rite.

Links to the new working texts are below:

The Task Force is looking for feedback on the working texts now in circulation. In addition to the Baptism and Confirmation working texts, the Task Force continues to receive feedback on the working texts for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and the Holy Eucharist, published in 2013. To send feedback, please email

The members of the Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force are:

  • The Most Rev. Robert Duncan, Chair
  • The Rt. Rev. Keith Ackerman, Vice Chair
  • The Rev. Dr. J.I. Packer, Senior Reader
  • The Ven. Darrell Critch
  • The Rev. Jonathan Kanary
  • The Rev. Dr. Arnold Klukas
  • The Rev. Can. Ron Moock
  • The Rev. Can. Andrea Mueller
  • The Rev. Chip Edgar

Watch Archbishop Duncan’s full report from the Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force to Provincial Council 2015 here. The written report from the Task Force is available online here.


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