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2019 Liturgical Calendars Available for Order

The Anglican Church Calendar places all of the Sundays, Holy Days, and Commemorations of the Christian Year where they actually fall in the course of the coming year. Based on the calendar of the Christian Year adopted by the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America for the Book of Common Prayer (2019), this edition shows the seasons and Sundays month by month, indicates all “red letter” Holy Days, and illustrates the optional commemorations (both Anglican and Ecumenical). Traditional colors associated with the seasons and the observances are shown, including two colors where the commemoration might take a color different from that of the season.

On the back of the calendar sheet for each month are the Sunday and Holy Day lessons appropriate for this year from the three-year lectionary cycle. The Sunday, Holy Day, and Commemoration lectionary of the Book of Common Prayer (2019) is based on the Common Lectionary (not the revised Common Lectionary) where Old Testament readings relate typologically to Gospel readings. Psalm versification is that of the Renewed Coverdale Psalter, not always the same versification as in contemporary translations of the Holy Bible.

The full text of “The Calendar of the Christian Year – An Introduction” is printed following all of the monthly calendar pages.

Costs vary according to quantity. Orders will begin shipping on August 6, 2018.

To order, click here.

All order inquires should be directed to The Ashby Company at 1-800-413-2220.


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