Rock the World’s REMIX Great Commission Conference launches college and high school students and their adult leaders into advancing God’s Kingdom. This year’s REMIX conference is September 27-29, 2019 at Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina, intertwining with the New Wineskins conference and co-sponsored by the Young Anglicans network. Along with its own well-known speakers, including the Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach and the Most Rev. Ben Kwashi, the youth conference will share some speakers, “MAP Talk” workshops, and prayer and worship sessions with the New Wineskins Conference.
At REMIX, college and high school students are equipped to experience and express the Kingdom of God and many hear a new or fresh sense of the Lord’s calling on their lives.
One high school senior who attended a previous REMIX said, “Beforehand, I was feeling incredibly burdened. And not in the good ‘my heart is burdened for starving kids in China’ way but in the ‘why do I even get up in the mornings’ way. I came out of REMIX a re-commissioned person. My story is not unique. Something awakened in us all during those few days.”
This year, a “PREmix” pre-conference especially for MKs (Missionary Kids) and other TCK’s (Third Culture Kids) is offered. MKs/TCKs grow up in a country different from their parents’ home country, leading to unique identity issues and strengths. This pre-conference will serve these students in ways suited to their particular interests and needs.
The Rev. Whis Hays, Rock the World’s Executive Director says, “That’s why we focus on loving God and taking Jesus both to the nations and to younger generations. God’s heart of love propels us to share His love with the young, the poor, the oppressed, and the lost, here and to the ends of the Earth.”
Join the adventure this year as Deep calls to Deep at REMIX!
Find out more and register at